Precision calculation following this method by calculating standard deviation and average deviation:

  1. We get the depth information from the camera which is then processed and we get the laserscan data which is 480 data points (depth information along a single scan line).
  2. Precision of a device refers to the repeatability of the device. For the same input, we would like to know how close the outputs are at various instances.
  3. So, we get a collection of 480 data points for 10 different instances. These data are stored as a (2D) array.
  4. The data is processed by converting Nan = 7.0, as the range of camera is limited to .
  5. We calculate the mean of each data point and store it in an (1D) array.
  6. We then calculate the modulus of mean adjusted data by subtracting the mean value from the actual data. This is the absolute deviation (2D) array.
  7. Average deviation (1D) array is the mean of the absolute deviations for a corresponding point and this is calculated using absolute deviation array.
  8. With the help of absolute deviation array, standard deviation (1D) array is calculated.
  9. Standard deviation and average deviation is a measure of precision.


Sl. No. Object Average Deviation Standard Deviation
2 Plain Wall 0.186154 0.253823
1 Chair 0.646373 0.815805
4 Bag 0.0316321 0.054061
3 Bucket 0.0525418 0.0791233
5 Netted mesh 0.137574 0.203162

RGB Images

  1. Chair placed before a plain wall


  2. Plain wall


  3. Bucket placed before a plain wall
